Using our Aurora Borey Aliss on our virtuo-tyme travel machine the quantum computer first theorized by scientists in 2010 has been autoconstructed. The theoretical physicists of the 21st century never completed
their work developing a QC(quantum computer 0-0) because they did not have the technological advancement.Our new array is allowing us to see even further back in tyme. We are still searching for the PBS(Public Broadcasting Service) explanation that is devoid of ScientificDogma. Worms are prettier than sturmwaffel Adolf
but their suffix "-holes" doesn't etimeologically ad valorem crunch into data that Aliss can definitively point to that shows, "Eureka! we found the "Time Tourists"". We thought the nearly invisible animadvert "dust mites" might
have something to do with time travel, also with no causal result. Searching for creatures such as insecta larvae(also worms) made us ponder the likely possibility that the "Time Tourists" are also using matter that in
a state of 'quantum entanglement' toy. Thereby, the crushinidvites of an insect it's larvae or an earthworm or an adult insect may be a kind of virtual time travellers tool that use these seemingly low forms of life as avatar-like interface devices. Not actually present yet fully enjoying all the acrobatic views of Terra. Although we are
so advanced in virtuo-tyme travel we cannot find the "Time Tourists" . Despite the fact that we are fairly certain they exist they are using a host of many other far advanced technologies that go far beyond simply cloaking their