Pen YEN #SEOPENZANT #globalleader

Pen YEN #SEOPENZANT #globalleader
Web Snippet From 2017AD

A Sightseer's 2008 [Old US99]

A Sightseer's 2008 [Old US99]

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2011 Inpost Illustration "'http.freegames...

CAVITY by M.A.DuGravitas

I found this social media and facebook info from 2013&2014.  Teething pain, early less safe hardware that did not utilize newer materials yet like carbon fiber tethers and shielding that could withstand barrages of high speed tiny debris.  Minarets in space were penetrated by small items of spaceracer vincins post priori to the unwiitting etude film and story arts of this time.  Apparently sci-fi writer D.F.Farland was a film critic as well as an author of this form of fiction as well.