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A Sightseer's 2008 [Old US99]

A Sightseer's 2008 [Old US99]

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2011 Inpost Illustration "'http.freegames...

""Manmade" Ships"

  1. ""Manmade" Ships"
    If a collaborative man with horse of 1871 came across something like this they would think it a hoax before they think of it as something from bejewelled EurAsia.
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  2. ""Manmade" Ships"
    Movies are used as case studies. Re-enactments of events that have happened or could happen. Seemless ships were used in the 1950's and beyond to depict outer worlders. They looked manmade still.
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  3. looked like store bought lights on something enormous larger than I can render with paint at the moment. So it wouldn't look like a ship racoons or snakes made but something manmade
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  4. The ship looked manmade as I've said on Sci-Fi by Dan Farland not a mushroom there's manmade, manmade and manmade there's manmade, manmade and manmade
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