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DAWN of the Soldroniers By D.F.Penzant

June 4, 2017 A.D.
Some people have the talent to read minds.  This author has the talent to read artificial intelligence.  Along with having some precognitive and prescience ability.
The glowing eyes of the felix species  the domestic cat was the first clue.  When I was younger at night when it's very dark and I saw cat eyes glowing it made me wonder right away are cats aliens.
The Grays, aliens with gray skin have very large heads more like humans.  So it was obvious that cats are not aliens.  But are they? Are we?  Current science suggests that the collision of asteroids into other planets like Mars may have cast debris into space and then to Earth and  Asteroids themselves can carry microbial life through space.  So all the DNA of the nearby Universe may be the same.  We've also learned that the coloration of an animal's fur often reveals pigmentation that goes all the way into the membraneous skin beneath the fur.
With those things in mind many cats are gray furred and more likely their skin beneath also.   This is about the time that drone aircraft have come into wide use.  So wanting to see where your house cat goes and mounting a drone camera on them is next in a logical progression.  Cats are great hunters so they would not be a simple drone.  Like a drone ant or bee that does nothing but breed with the Queen of the colony.  They're a bit like a soldier ant too that they catch home infestation  pests like mice, rats, other rodent s and small animals.  So the day has come that cats are fitted with drone cameras and that's today.  They have became soldier,drone fancies or soldronieres.
Being in close proximity to man and his experiments in DNA, microelectonics and advanced biometric augmentation.  The scenario of the movie The Fly(1958) and remake(1986) comes into play.  And the scenario is part of the truth of what happens sometime after the year 2033 when the commonly known Jesus Christ has been dead exactly 2000(two thousand) years.